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Flickering distorted video signal

By @arne.bachmann.dlr
    2022-10-24 12:58:32.793Z

    Hi, our new TinyPilot shows a flickering image that show a different colorful distotion every second, with the original video signal showing in the background. I have video and image, but they are too large for upload.

    S/N 0001648005993072

    We tested different HDMI cables, but to no avail.

    • 11 replies
    1. C

      Hi @arne.bachmann.dlr - thanks for your message, I'm sorry to hear you're having issues with the video signal.

      This could be due to a compatibility issue between your TinyPilot device and the connected system. However, the level of distortion in your photo could also point to a hardware fault. Could you please share your logs with us (System->Logs->Get Shareable URL) and could you please also confirm that you're not using any video adapters (e.g. VGA to HDMI)?

      1. A@arne.bachmann.dlr
          2022-10-24 20:20:40.003Z

          We use a straight HDMI cable from laptop to the TinyPilot.

          1. Thanks for sending the logs over! It looks like your TinyPilot device and the computer have successfully negotiated the video parameters and everything appears to be correct. I appreciate it's a hassle but could you please try setting a lower resolution and refresh rate (e.g. 1080p @ 30Hz) and checking if that reduces the flickering? It'd also be really helpful if you could try testing on an external monitor as well to rule out any issues with the laptops video output.

        • A
            2022-11-07 13:01:20.551Z

            Hi Charles,

            I reduced the resolution and tried different refresh rates both in Windows as well form the TinyPilot menu.

            Tests with Edge still fail; the certificate workaround doesn't work either (typing "thisisunsafe" is probably not possible, since there is no website shown other than the error message).
            The USB cable is connected, but this shouldn't matter for the video anyway, I think.

            I'm on our company network (a VLAN with a netmask of It works fine for our other unit, but this one seems to be faulty.


            1. Thank you for getting back to me Arne, I appreciate you taking the time to work through troubleshooting this with me. You mentioned that you have another TinyPilot device - if they're in the same location would it be possible for you to swap them between the two computers? That would help us rule out the computer as the problem and confirm whether your TinyPilot device is faulty.

              1. A@arne.bachmann.dlr
                  2022-11-11 10:55:26.566Z

                  Hi Charles,

                  I switched the Tinypilot leaving cabling and power supply as it was with the working unit.
                  Right from the start when opening the defect unit from Firefox ESR the connection didn't work.
                  CPU went to 100% immediately, the screen keyboard was shown, but no image.
                  After a while only a turning indicator was shown.
                  After a minute, I got visual, but still distorted (see screenshot).
                  I still think the communication with this unit is faulty, probably on a hardware level.

                  1. David @david2022-11-14 15:05:30.517Z

                    Hi @arne.bachmann.dlr, thanks for confirming all of that.

                    I agree that it looks like this is a hardware level issue. Did you purchase this TinyPilot from If so, could you reach out to them to organize a replacement?

                    1. A@arne.bachmann.dlr
                        2022-11-15 08:58:54.029Z

                        No it was from
                        I talked to them and we found a way of returning the unit.

                        Thanks for the support, case closed!

                        1. David @david2022-11-15 11:57:32.007Z

                          Thanks for the update! I'm glad this has been resolved.

                • Progress
                  with handling this problem
                • A
                    2022-11-02 10:26:53.108Z

                    Hi Charles, I investigated a bit further. The resolution is 1080p @ 30 I reduced to 24, but the flickering prevailed.
                    I was able to perform a update from 2.4.1 -> 2.5.0

                    While testing after reboot, I had the problem that the TinyPilot browser tab in Firefox crashed several times, and it didn't allow user input/was continuously blocking.
                    It seems that the videostream is somewhat problematic.

                    I tried again with Microsoft Edge, but could not skip the NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error (browser received encrypted login information which it couldn't interpret)

                    After a while, I was able to pull logs again:
                    But keyboard input was pretty laggy >5s

                    It seems there is a larger issue with the device :-/

                    1. C

                      Thank you for the update!

                      The resolution is 1080p @ 30 I reduced to 24, but the flickering prevailed.

                      I'm sorry to hear this didn't work. Can you please confirm if you changed this setting on the laptop or in your TinyPilot device settings? Would it be possible to try setting the laptop's resolution to 720p instead?

                      While testing after reboot, I had the problem that the TinyPilot browser tab in Firefox crashed several times, and it didn't allow user input/was continuously blocking.
                      It seems that the videostream is somewhat problematic.

                      TinyPilot should work in recent versions of Firefox so this could point to a different issue. Can you please try using a different browser (e.g. Chrome) to see if the same happens?

                      I tried again with Microsoft Edge, but could not skip the NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error (browser received encrypted login information which it couldn't interpret)

                      It sounds like Microsoft Edge might not trust the TinyPilot certificate. You can usually bypass this error manually or if you prefer you can follow our guide on fixing browser privacy errors for a permanent solution.

                      After a while, I was able to pull logs again:

                      I've reviewed the logs and I can see several reports that the USB cable is disconnected. This could be true or it could point to a hardware issue. Can you confirm if the USB cable has been disconnected recently?

                      But keyboard input was pretty laggy >5s

                      This is unusual. Can you please let me know if you're connecting to your TinyPilot device over a local network or if you're using a VPN (or similar)?