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When using mpeg video encoding, lots of data freezes tiny pilot.

By D Barr @david_fl
    2023-05-11 18:01:41.236Zassigned to
    • @cghague

    I was looking at log data with over 50 columns and with the font very small, this caused tiny pilot to freeze. Could the encoder have a problem rendering the data. I rebooted the server and had the same problem. I had to pull the hdmi cable out, and then i was able to switch the video encoding the h.264 which fixed the problem.

    • 1 replies
    1. C

      Hi @david_fl, thanks for reaching out. I'm sorry to hear you're having issues with freezing video.

      I've not heard of this happening before, but it does seem plausible. The amount of data required by the video stream is influenced by what is displayed. Video codecs are generally designed to handle smooth motion, so detailed tabular data might not compress very well. Did the issue happen while you were scrolling by any chance?

      It sounds like you've already found the solution I was going to recommend. The H264 codec is much more efficient, and so can often handle complex video better than MJPEG. If the issue persists you might benefit from reducing the frame rate or the bitrate of the H264 stream.