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Welcome to the TinyPilot community!

You can ask questions, make feature requests, or share neat things you've done with your TinyPilot.

Topics, recently active firstCategoryUsersRepliesActivity
Blank screen on reboot
When I reboot my server tinypilot goes to a black screen and I have to reboot tinypilot to get video back. Any way to fix this?
    GeneralJM82021-03-29 19:48:15.678Z
    Latest Update seemed to make Shift or Control clicking not work anymore.
    When I hold shift and left click on the mouse, or hold control and left click on the mouse (to select multiple items) on a remote PC, it no longer works for me, anyone else? I noticed it broke update before this last one, but thought I would wait for...
      GeneralAM102021-03-26 13:46:32.576Z
      Not sure why keyboard still doesn't work for me
      I ran the update to the latest version as of a few minutes ago but still get nothing at all either via the soft keyboard or from my hardware keys forwarding. Likewise no cursor movement. Any common gotchas for me to check? Since it doesn't appear to ...
        Technical SupportR32021-03-24 20:21:06.805Z
        Latest update disabled my ability to remotely control my computers.
        So with the set up I have, is a POE Hat, and a USB 3 cable with the V+ blocked and plugged into the PC from the USB Power slot of the Pi (4 Mdl B). This setup was working for me before I updated to the latest version and then I no longer have the abi...
          Technical SupportGJ2TR82021-03-22 12:57:41.016Z
          Two Preliminary Questions
          Can TinyPilot be installed on a Raspberry Pi that contains minimal pre-existing software on the device? Currently I'm running a RPi 4 2GB with PiHole and a few minimal scripts. Can I install the TinyPilot alongside this software, or does TinyPilot ne...
            GeneralC42021-03-19 22:49:52.021Z
            Hobbyist Kit vs Voyager
            I undertand the Voyager is finished - plug and go kind of solution. But with the Hobbyist kit you need too be comfortable to build and configure things. Beside that big difference - are there usable feature differences?
              GeneralS12021-03-16 21:28:38.329Z
              Enter on Num Pad - TinyPilot Voyager
              When I am using the old TinyPilot I had, enter on the num pad worked fine, but now when I push the enter on the num pad it looks like below. This is where I pushed the normal enter key, then the num pad enter key 4 times then the normal enter key. Fo...
                Technical SupportA42021-03-08 23:30:54.397Z
                Tiny Pilot Pro Http Server, Caddy Http Reverse Proxy, and Logging into TinyPilot within an iFrame
                Wanted to share a discussion I had with Michael so that others with a similar environment can benefit. In my environment at home, I'm running Home Assistant ( Home Assistant is basically my portal to controlling everyt...
                  GeneralP12021-02-26 20:45:57.167Z
                  Possible to remap the ESC key?
                  The escape key takes me out of full screen. Is it possible to remap this to another set of keystrokes?
                    GeneralS12021-02-18 20:54:18.719Z
                    Can't insert a period?
                    Hello all. I just received my pilot today, and it was a very painless setup. However, I'm unable to insert a period. This is in firefox (chrome won't allow me to bypass the SSL error). If I hit the period key on my keyboard or on the soft keyboard, i...
                      Technical SupportDD62021-02-17 10:58:23.268Z
                      Explain icons...
                      10 sec+ Latency w/ Full Raspbian OS
                      I installed Raspbian OS, used USB HDMI capture device and was experiencing over 10 seconds of latency on the video feed. I reached out to you via e-mail and you suggested maybe trying the CSI bridge. Ordered and installed today. I was thinking that w...
                        Technical SupportDD72021-02-12 23:12:17.376Z
                        Videogame console controller USB passthrough?
                        I came across your Tinypilot KVM while looking for a remote control solution for videogame consoles (PS4, Xbox, Switch, etc). I've tried several KVMs and while they're all capable of streaming the video, most fall short when trying to control the con...
                          Technical SupportB12021-02-12 22:21:04.069Z